Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1) How is proofreading different from revising?

-Proofreading is when you check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics while revision is about improving your content, sentence structure, and your design.

2) What design techniques can you use to improve the readability of e-mails, memos, letters, and reports? You can employ white spaces, understand margins and text alignments, choose appropriate typefaces, capitalize on type fonts and sizes, focus on numbering and bulleting, and adding heading for visual impact.

3) In proofreading, why is it often difficult to find your own errors? What are some techniques to overcome this barrier?  It is difficult to find your own errors when proofreading because you may not know what to look for when dealing with content, mechanics, and structure. These are things you learn as you go, so over-looking these mistakes may happen more often than not. Some techniques you can use are researching; find similar documents online and compare yours to theirs. You can also take the time to learn more about your writing weaknesses and pay special attention to them as you proofread.

4) Reflect in a paragraph on the following prompt: How does your use of email, instant messaging, social media, and other current communication technologies with your friends and family compare with the business uses of these technologies that you learned about in this chapter?  They compare because these use similar methods of communication. We use social media as a quick and effective way of reaching out to people, contacting people, and making plans or creating events, just like businesses use social media.

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